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Writer's pictureMaureen WEI

Eagles Off To A Positive Start

The Wamp Nga Mt. Hagen Eagles have extended their third straight winning streak after defeating the Agmark Rabaul Gurias with a 22-14 scoreline during the round three match of the Digicel-ExxonMobil on Sunday, April 28th, 2024, at Santos National Football Stadium in Port Moresby.

The Eagles showed their dominance in the game. They wasted no time in getting down to business as their full back scored the first try after 7 minutes into the game, putting the score at 4-0. Winger Lynchill Kiap bagged another try, bringing them the lead with 10-0. A penalty kick brought in another 2 points and the Eagles led the Gurias with a 12-0 halftime score.

The rejuvenated Eagles bagged two more tries in the second half, bringing the score to 22-0. With only 13 minutes left on the clock, the Gurias picked up their game and scored three tries but unfortunately, came up short with a 14-22 victory to the Eagles.

This win was a personal achievement for the Eagles head coach and former Gurias coach, Francis Ray.

“This game was a bit personal for me. I told the boys that I don’t care if we beat other teams, we must win this one, losing is unacceptable. They did well and delivered the results for me and I am impressed,” Ray said.

This win has marked the team’s progress as they make their way back into the winner’s circle after receiving the wooden spoon and winning only one game for the entire 2023 season.

“We have done a lot of work over the pre-season to get this team together. We didn’t do well over the last couple of years and this year, we are trying to change that. We have a long season ahead of us but having won the first three games is a positive start for us.”

The Wamp Nga Eagles will meet the Gas Resources Central Dabaris in their round 4 clash on Saturday, May 4th, at John Ambane Oval in Minj, Jiwaka Province. 

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